Conventional Snake game..but i can bet..u’ll Love it..!
If you've ever owned a Nokia mobile phone (or 'cellphone' if you prefer), you should know this game. It's the classic time-wasting game you play on public transport, annoying fellow passengers with your incessant beeping and casual swearing.
These days, Snake on a more modern phone will have fancy 3D graphics with zooming whooshy animations that, in my view, strip all fun from the game. My Snake is a back-to-the-old-skool version with cheap sound effects and a slight plasticky feel, as was found with those older brick-sized phones.
There are three levels of play: Slug (slow), Worm (medium) and for those with the nimblest fingers, Python (fast). Your task is to guide the snake so it eats the food. The quicker you eat, the more you score. And just like real food-eating snakes, the more you gobble, the longer you become. Try to steer clear of your own growing tail and avoid the walls... it won't be long before it's game over.
Control keys
Use the arrow keys to move
Pause game – space key or P
Mute sound – M
High scores are reset at midnight PST, 8am GMT.
See help page if you're having trouble playing.
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